Thursday, June 27
5.30 p.m.
Hot Air Balloon Flight
The official hot air balloon of the Generali company will make about 70 tethered flights in Galimberti Square. It will be configured with a basket to accommodate wheelchairs. A portion of the flights will be dedicated to people with reduced mobility.
Friday, June 28
4 p.m. - 8.00 p.m.
Race packet delivery
6. p.m.
Pedaling in the city with children (6 to 12 years of age) as protagonists. Thanks to Balocco Spa each child will be given a cycling jersey. Before the start a short entertainment on the theme of road safety with sports journalists Paolo and Giorgio Viberti (Tuttosport / La Stampa). The Cuneo Local Police will accompany the group during the city tour.
9 p.m.
Avanzi di Balera Concert
A musical journey, weaving ancient traditions and modern contaminations. Avanzi di Balera is a dancing evening that takes you through the rediscovery of Italian popular music
Saturday, June 29
9 a.m.
Functional yoga
With Yoga Teacher Federica Frola (sports journalist at Skysport) a session of functional yoga will be offered: a discipline that combines Vinyasa flow sequences with exercises borrowed from functional training both cardio vascular and muscle strengthening such as squats, push ups, lunges , jumping jacks and so on.
10 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Race packet delivery
10 a.m.
Free respiratory disease screening
In collaboration with Dr. Alessio Mattei, who directs the SC Pneumology at S. Croce e Carle Hospital in Cuneo, and the Respiriamo insieme association, it will be possible to perform free screenings aimed at the prevention of respiratory diseases. Reservations
10 a.m.
In collaboration with Michelin Spa, Traffic Police and GsPassatore play-cycling activities for toddlers. Will involve more than 60 toddlers (ages 3/4 years up to 8/9).
10 a.m.
Route briefing
The organization presents the race routes from the road and technical point of view.
10.30 a.m.
Commissioner's Gravellata
Starting from Galimberti Square, the 1st edition of the River Park ride called Gravellata del Commissario will take place. "Gravellata" comes from the English term "gravel" which denotes pedaling on dirt trails. "Commissario" is the nick name of former professional cyclist Marco Saligari who will be the star of the event. The 28-kilometer route runs almost entirely in the River Park passing through Borgo San Dalmazzo. The event is free and open to all types of bicycles suitable for dirt trails.
11. a.m.
Stories of bicycle travel
Giovanni Panzera is a documentary filmmaker and traveler. He has been featured on expeditions to the Arctic, across Alaska, the Bering Strait, Siberia, Iceland, Lapland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Greenland. He will introduce us to his next cycling venture in the Scandinavian lands.
Minatravelstheworld Mina is a German girl who started traveling the world in January 2016. Since then she has covered more than 70,000 km on her bicycle, called Peanutbuttercup, crossing 46 countries. She will tell us her story
4.30 p.m.
Route briefing
The organization presents the race routes from the road and technical point of view.
5 p.m.
Awards ceremony
The most numerous companies and the competitor who arrives from the farthest
5 p.m.
Nell'OlimpoStories of local Champions - What was the first Olympic game an athlete from the province of Cuneo participated in? Do you know how many athletes from Cuneo have competed in the Olympic and Paralympic Games? Come find out on Saturday, June 29th! In anticipation of the Paris Olympics, Fondazione CRC, in collaboration with the Art.ur Association, has organized a guided tour – 5:00 PM (english) – of the exhibition “On the Olympus. Stories of local Champions.” During the free one-hour guided tour, we will revisit some milestones of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and discover the stories of champions from the Cuneo Province who have lived the Olympic dream. Reservation:
5.45 p.m.
Artistic Gymnastics Absolute National Championships
From July 5-7, Cuneo's Palazzetto dello Sport will be the site of the Italian Absolute, Pre-Olympic Men's and Women's Artistic Gymnastics Championships, the event that will see Italy's best female and male athletes compete for the overall national title. The Championships will be presented by the technical director of Italy's national women's artistic gymnastics team Enrico Casella, Coni delegate for the province of Cuneo Claudia Martin, and Cuneoginnastica President Claudio Adinolfi.
6.30. p.m.
Parade of Olympians - Via Roma
Starting from the beginning of Via Roma will be the second edition of the Olympic parade led by the Fanfare of the Taurinense Alpine Brigade. The Olympic flashlight will be followed by a group of about 15 to 20 Olympic athletes from the province of Cuneo (Alpine skiing world champion Marta Bassino will be present) and disabled children from Cuneo associations who will carry flags and placards with the names of the 34 countries participating in the Granfondo La Fausto Coppi. The parade will reach Galimberti Square where the Fanfare will play some songs and as a salute the Italian anthem.
7 p.m.
Inauguration of La Fausto Copp
In the presence of the authorities and the Cuneo public there will be the lighting of the Olympic brazier and the official start of La Fausto Coppi.
9 p.m.
Concert Tribute to Zucchero
Sunday, June 30
5.45 a.m. - 6.30 a.m.
Race packet delivery
7 a.m.
Race Departure - Galimberti Square
Bicycle race departure over 2,000 cyclists from 34 nations.
9 a.m.
The Fausto Coppi Mangia&Pedala
A bicycle ride of about 50 km to discover the area in collaboration with Coldiretti and Fiab Cuneo. Planned visits to two Coldiretti farms where local products can be tasted.
11 a.m.
Pasta Party - Food Court
For athletes planned Pasta Party for companions and Cuneo many Street Food proposals
Mediofondo awards ceremony
Granfondo awards ceremony