
The regulation of the 34th edition of the Granfondo La Fausto Coppi is presented on this page point by point.

Regulation 2023 - All the details

Here you will find all the information you need to participate in the competition



The Granfondo La Fausto Coppi is a competitive amateur cycling event now in its 34th edition. In 2023, the number capped at 2800 participants is expected.


25 June 2023.


Cuneo, Piazza Galimberti.
5.45 a.m. desk opening for documents delivery and race pack collection
6.15 a.m. grid opening (Only competitors wearing a red bracelet will be allowed in)
6.30 a.m. desk closing for document delivery and race pack collection


Departure at 07:00.


A charity grid will be provided for the project “Let’s save mountain roads”. 200 bibs are available at a cost of €120.00.

6. MEDIOFONDO 111 km / 2510 m+

111 km / 2510 m+; Cuneo, Cervasca, Bernezzo, Caraglio, Valgrana, Monterosso Grana, Pradleves, Castelmagno, Demonte, Valdieri, Borgo San Dalmazzo, Cuneo

7. GRANFONDO 177 km / 4125 m+

177 km / 4125 m+; Cuneo, Tarantasca, Busca, Costigliole di Saluzzo, Piasco, Venasca, Brossasco, Valmala, Rossana, Villar san Costanzo, Dronero, Montemale, Valgrana, Monterosso Grana, Pradleves, Castelmagno, Demonte, Valdieri, Borgo San Dalmazzo, Cuneo.


All FCI members belonging to the cat. Elite Sport M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8 Elite woman sport, MW1 and MW2. Members of the M8 category from the age of 71 are out of the individual classification (only for clubs) and can only do the Mediofondo. FCI and EPS cyclists are not admitted. All E.P.S. (Sports promotion organizations such as Acsi, Aics, Csi, Uisp…) can participate with the institution’s card or with a Bike Card, together with the institution’s card, if their own Eps has not signed the agreement with the FCI.

The EPS or FCI membership card must be uploaded by 31 May on the Endu platform.

Participation is subject to the regular possession of the following requirement:
for athletes registered with the FCI or a sports promotion body: certificate of suitability for competitive cycling (certificates are not valid for other types of sports such as triathlon, duathlon, track and field, etc.).
The possession of a sports card can be understood as an alternative to verifying the possession of a regular and adequate certificate only in the case of a sports card bearing the DataHealth logo together with the expiry date of the certificate of suitability for competitive cycling.

It is therefore mandatory for all members, whose card does NOT meet the above requirement, to enter the certificate of suitability for competitive practice on the Endu portal.


Participants will have until 31 May 2023 to regularize their registration for the event. Registration can be considered completed and duly carried out by entering the following data on the ENDU platform:

  • REGISTERED ATHLETE: 2023 membership card and competitive medical certificate for cycling
  • NON-MEMBERSHIPS ATHLETE: competitive medical certificate for cycling.


The card in question is not valid for registration.


Non-members can activate a day card at a cost of €10.00 for insurance coverage during the event. For the issue of the card, both for the Granfondo and for the Mediofondo, the competitive sports medical certificate for cycling is required (to be uploaded on the Endu portal by 31 May).


The event will apply the 2019 implementing rules for the national cycling and amateur activity. Referring to the UCI and FCI Regulations, paragraph 1.3.010 and 12.1.013 bis technological fraud, the race jury, with the technical support of the organization, is authorized to carry out random or systematic checks. Non-compliance or refusal to submit to the required technical checks will result in immediate disqualification and reporting to the competent bodies. Furthermore, with reference to the UCI and FCI Regulations (Implementing Rules point 1.1.9.) we inform you that the use of any transceiver device is strictly prohibited.


On the ENDU portal at the address  until midnight on Wednesday 21 June (subject to availability). By registering, the competitor declares: to be in possession of the medical certificate according to the D.M. of 02/18/82; to be in possession of a regular card belonging to the Italian Cycling Federation or to a sports promotion body (EPS) valid for the year 2023; that I have read and fully accept this regulation.

NB.: the registration will be considered valid only when the 2023 competitive card and medical certificate are uploaded to the ENDU portal.


Deadline for registrations: 21 June at 24:00 (subject to availability).


the participation fee includes the supply of the following services/goods: commemorative jersey of the event (it is mandatory to wear the 2023 jersey throughout the race under penalty of disqualification and request for abandonment of the competition), race number, mechanical assistance along the course, supplies, assistance health during the race, gifts, recovery in case of abandonment. The cost of registering for the event is:

  •  €50.00 until 12/31/2022
  • €60.00 until 04/30/2023
  • € 70.00 from 01/05/2023 to 21/06/2023 subject to availability
  • Nr. 200 places at € 120.00 for registrations in favor of the project “LET’S SAVE THE MOUNTAIN ROADS” with the right to start in the solidarity grid.

Cumulative registrations COMPANY: for cumulative registrations, the Endu platform will automatically recognize 1 (one) free registration for every 10 paying athletes (11th free registration).

Number limited to 2800 subscribers.


if a member is unable to participate in the event, the participation fee will be kept valid exclusively for the following year. The communication must be sent to by 13/05/2023. The registration fee is non-refundable.


1. The cases of impossibility of carrying out the event that determine its cancellation are cases determined by force majeure, unforeseeable circumstances, or by any other kind not attributable to the organization, such as:
a. Atmospheric events such as, by way of example, snow, hail, storms, the formation of ice on the road or other meteorological conditions which make the performance impracticable;
b. Calamitous events such as, by way of example, earthquakes, floods, large-scale fires, natural or man-made disasters;
c. Nefarious event to the detriment of one or more participants;
d. Provision or provision of the Public Authority, or of cycling promotion bodies or sports federations;
And. Any other cause or event, not attributable to the Organizer, which makes it necessary to cancel the event.
2. A cause or event not attributable to the Organizer is considered any fact or event, of natural origin, or determined by man, which does not depend on the malice or fault of the Organizer or, in any case, upon occurrence of which the Organizer has no willfully or negligently complicit.
3. The cancellation of the event is communicated by the Organizer by e-mail whose address was disclosed at the time of registration, or even only via social channels, as soon as possible, in order to allow registered timely knowledge and to avoid as much as possible any inconvenience
4. Where possible and in the absence of risk conditions, the Organizer will order the postponement of the event to another date, promptly notifying the registered participants.
5. In any case, the Organizer retains the faculty, where the concrete conditions allow it, to allow the event to take place by changing the planned route, in order to avoid dangerous situations for the runners.
6. In the event of the impossibility of carrying out the event, for the reasons set out in the previous paragraphs, no amount will be due in return to the participants


The verification of the membership cards of a sports institution, the delivery of the number and the race pack will take place in Cuneo in Piazza Galimberti on the days

  • Friday 23 June 2023 – from 16.00 to 20.00.
  • Saturday 24 June 2023 – from 10.00 to 19.00.
  • Sunday 25 June 2023 – from 05.45 to 06.30.

NB: it is mandatory to show the original 2023 card (also mandatory for groups) and the competitive medical certificate, otherwise the race pack will be delivered without bib and chip.


The checks by passing through the electronic controls are absolutely mandatory, both at the start and along the various routes.


It will be performed by an Official Timer MySDAM with technology based on the use of “chips”. Each participant must have a valid personal chip or a daily rental chip.
Usable chips :

  • My SDAM personal A-CHIP (round shape and green colour) with “Cycling and MTB 2022” qualification.
  • CHAMPIONCHIP YELLOW CHIP personal (round shape and yellow color)
  • MYSDAM DAILY CHIP for hire (€5)

NB. Please note: failure or incorrect use of the chip will result in non-inclusion in the ranking and non-attribution of the time spent.


All participants must have the following equipment with them upon entering the starting grids:

  • a set of tools for removing the tire / tubular
  • a spare inner tube (or tube).
  • a pump (or can of compressed air) for inflating the wheels
  • a water bottle
  • a survival blanket and clothing suitable for high altitudes due to sudden changes in weather conditions.
  • Chip for electronic control
  • the official celebratory shirt of the 2023 edition of the event

All participants, during the entire duration of the race, must obligatorily wear an approved rigid helmet and keep both the rigid race number in the frame and the back number on the jersey attached in a legible manner.


There are 5 refreshment points: Sanctuary of Valmala, La Piatta, Sanctuary of Castelmagno, Colle Fauniera, Madonna del Colletto.


Assistance by private vehicles following one or more athletes on the race course is strictly prohibited.


The roads will be temporarily closed to traffic as per the Ordinance issued by the competent Prefecture. Absolute respect and observance of the Highway Code applies to each participant. In the event of withdrawal, it is strictly forbidden to travel downhill in the opposite direction to the race.


Vehicles are provided for the recovery of participants who intend to abandon the race. Means are also provided for loading the bicycles which may not necessarily be contextual to the recovery of the athlete. ASD Fausto Coppi on the road does not assume responsibility for any damage to bicycles during transport.


Arrival in Cuneo in Piazza Galimberti within 10 hours of the official departure; those arriving after 17:00 will not be included in the classification.


Monterosso Grana-km progressive Granfondo 95 at 12:30, Festiona-km progressive Granfondo 143 at 15:30.


The results will be displayed in Piazza Galimberti in the immediate vicinity of the “Punto Chip”. The rankings will subsequently be published on the website After crossing the finish line, the participants must go to the SDAM checkpoint to return the previously rented Chip.


Any complaints must be received by the jury within the regulatory terms accompanied by the fee established on the basis of the regulations of the sports promotion body (ACSII).


The first man and the first woman in the overall classification of the Granfondo and the mediofondo, the first 3 classified in each category and the 3 cycling clubs with the highest number of members will be awarded. The Mediofondo award ceremony will take place from 11.30 am, that of the Granfondo from 2.30 pm. The prizes will be awarded to the first 3 classified in each category on the prize-giving stand.


Fausto Coppi recognizes the following categories:

  • Elite Sport 19/29 years
  • Masters 1 – 30/34 years
  • Masters 2 – 35/39 years
  • Masters 3 – 40/44 years
  • Masters 4 – 45/49 years
  • Masters 5 – 50/54 years
  • Masters 6 – 55/59 years
  • Masters 7 – 60/64 years
  • Master 8 – 65 to 79 years (after 70 years only Medio Fondo)
  • Elite Women Sport – 19/29 years old
  • Master Women 1 – 30/39 years
  • Master Women – 40/49 years old
  • Master Women 3 – 50 to 79 years (after 70 years only Medio Fondo)
  • Disabled category


Surprised competitors will be disqualified:

  • to participate with a bib number of another runner;
  • not to wear the official 2023 commemorative jersey of the event;
  • to throw rubbish along the way; in this regard, eco-zones will be provided for
  • the collection of solid waste (paper, bottles); Personnel in charge of
  • verification will be present on the route;
  • not to observe the Highway Code (1 January 1993);
  • climb over the barriers and/or position yourself in a different grid from the one assigned;
  • failure to follow the default path.


By signing and sending the entry form, the competitor, together with the representative of his team, self-certifies the inexistence of sporting, civil and/or criminal sanctions or investigations in progress against him for facts relating to doping and declares that he have taken – and not taken – substances included in the anti-doping list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) ( -List-2013-EN.pdf) False self-certification will be prosecuted according to the law. The OC also reserves the right to request damages by way of compensation or take legal action against competitors who, with incorrect behavior in sporting ethics, positivity in anti-doping controls, should cause damage to the image of the event. Where the competitor belongs to a Sports Association, the latter will be solidly obliged to pay any fine.


The contestant acknowledges:

  • that despite the clear commitment of the organization to guarantee participants the maximum safety reasonably possible, there are still residual risks (also called “sporting risks”);
  • which cannot be eliminated since they are intrinsic to the cycling discipline itself;
  • to be aware that many other people will participate in the event, whose level of cycling ability and technique is unknown, and that therefore there may be crowding situations on the route which could increase the risk of accidents and collisions between participants;
  • that you have chosen to participate in the event on your own initiative and under your own personal responsibility, aware that, as in any sporting event, there could be a risk of injury or accident;
  • to assume full responsibility for the so-called “sporting risk”, making this decision conscientiously and rationally.


The competitor therefore considers himself solely responsible for driving the bicycle within the context of the event in question, both in the course of the event and in the territorial area, obviously considering that this responsibility applies both towards himself and towards third party users. By virtue of this ACKNOWLEDGES that the organizers of the event have done everything possible, taking into account the regulations in force and the particular nature of the event and the sporting discipline of cycling, to make the event safe and avoid the occurrence of accidents and damage to people and things, also providing for an adequate safety plan in case of need and relieves the organizers, and all the subjects involved in various capacities in the event in question, from any liability of a civil, criminal and administrative nature, for any harmful event that should happen or that with his own conduct he should cause during the event. You declare that you expressly and specifically accept, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1341 and following. Civil Code, the clauses referred to in the points of this deed.


In relation to the information pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016, the bidder must declare that he has read the information notice published on the website and that he has been informed of the mandatory consent to the related processing for the purposes indicated in art. 2) of the aforementioned information, by selecting for acceptance of the appropriate box of the online registration form for the purposes of the processing of personal data, aware that the lack of consent to the processing of data for the purposes referred to in art. 2) of the information, will make it impossible to proceed with the registration for the activity in question.
By consenting to the processing of his personal data, the competitor expressly authorizes ASD Fausto Coppi on the road, so that his data may also be transmitted and processed by third parties who offer services connected and linked to the Granfondo La Fausto Coppi, such as, for example , those having the purpose of timing the times, drawing up and announcing the lists of results and those having the purpose of photographing or filming the competitor. The data will also be processed by our partners ENGAGIGO srl and SDAM srl.
Pursuant to art. 4 of EU Regulation 679/2016, treatment means “any operation or set of operations, performed with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, diffusion or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation , cancellation or destruction”.
In relation to the lists of results and rankings, the publication of photos, videos, audio – and/or video recordings of any kind, the company will use such data and images of the athlete for internal and external use (various publications, sports videos, for electronically and on the website As regards the images and/or video recordings, the athlete may appear alone or together with other subjects during initiatives promoted by and for the association. The Organization must be authorized by the competitor to the aforementioned treatment, who must be made aware of the possibility of the right to revoke the treatment which he can exercise, at any time, with written communication to be sent to ASD Fausto Coppi on the road Kennedy 5f 12100 Cuneo.


Il Comitato Organizzatore si riserva la facoltà di apportare variazioni, anche in base ad eventuali normative COVID, al presente regolamento dandone opportuna evidenza sul sito Internet nella pagina denominata NEWS. Il sito verrà considerato l’organo di comunicazione ufficiale della manifestazione.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make changes, also on the basis of any COVID regulations, to these regulations, giving appropriate evidence on the website on the page called NEWS. The website will be considered the official communication body of the event.


e-mail subscription:


The Organizing Committee and the Organization decline all responsibility for accidents or damage to people, animals and things, including bicycles, of any kind and nature, which may occur before, during and after the cycling Granfondo (i.e. by way of example, but not exhaustive, deriving from unfavorable weather conditions, uneven or impervious road surface, insufficient lighting).

Also for this purpose, the participant who does not already have his own accident policy is strongly advised to activate one.

By registering for the Granfondo, the member expressly accepts all the provisions of this regulation and undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizing Committee and, in general, the Organization, from any liability and from any claim and/or request of compensation for damages to persons and/or things which may derive from accidents of any kind and nature which may occur before, during and after the Granfondo.

In the event that the Organizing Committee or the Organization should be unsuccessful as a result of claims and/or requests for compensation from third parties for damages to persons and/or things deriving from what is indicated in this article, the member undertakes to compensate the Organizing Committee and Organization.

The member also undertakes to compensate the Organizing Committee and the Organization in the event of damage to the image and reputation of the overall event, the Organizing Committee and the Organization, deriving from the behavior of the member himself that does not comply with the rules of this regulation and the spirit of the event.

By signing the entry form, the competitor expressly declares, under his own responsibility, that he is in possession of the medical certificate pursuant to the D.M. of 18.02.1982, to have read the present regulation, accepting it unconditionally in every point and expresses the consent to the use of his personal data in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 196/2003

Risultati Granfondo 2024


Ranking Granfondo 2024


Résultats Granfondo 2024
